Elections Resources for Kids
Looking for ways to get the whole family involved in the fun of elections?
Well, you’ve come to the right place!
You may not be able to vote until you are 18 years old, but that doesn’t mean you have to hold off on participating in our democracy. Here are some ways you can start involving kids in the process today!
For Pre-K to 4th Graders
Short videos about voting for pre-k to 4th grade kids
Books about voting for pre-k to 4th grade kids
Online resources for pre-k to 4th grade kids
Mock Elections Toolkit for Kids
This printable toolkit contains all you need to hold mock elections for kids ages 4 through 12.
iCivics Games
Put your students into the action with these election-focused civics games. Be sure to explore our Win the White House Family Guide to inspire election learning at home.
Scholastic Civics
Informative articles, fun quizzes and games all about elections from the people who bring you Junior Scholastic Magazine.
Let's Vote | PBS KIDS
Additional resources to learn more about elections.
Tweens & Teens
Short videos about voting for tweens & teens
Books about voting for teens & tweens
Online resources for tweens & teens
6 Tips for Running for Student Council
From talking to your constituents (aka fellow students) to building your PR toolbox, this teen vogue resource has info to get you started!
iCivics Games
Put your students into the action with these election-focused civics games. Be sure to explore our Win the White House Family Guide to inspire election learning at home.
Democracy Class | Rock The Vote
Democracy Class is a free, nonpartisan curriculum that educates high school students about the importance and history of voting and pre-registers and registers them to vote.
VOTE16USA is a national campaign organized by Generation Citizen that supports efforts to extend voting rights to 16- and 17-year-olds on the local and state levels helps start new local campaigns, and elevates the issue's prominence on a national level.
Pre-register to Vote
You have to be 18 years old to cast a ballot in Utah, but you can register as early as 16! You can either register to vote when you get your driver's license, or you can visit vote.utah.gov to pre-register online.
Civic Engagement Toolkit
Through a series of surveys, games, and quizzes, learn what civic engagement is and how to make a positive change in your community.
College Student Resources
Looking for things older teens & students can do to get involved? Check out this Better Utah Institute Resource.